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Monkey Gland

Monkey Gland

короткий проверенный модераторами со льдом утвержденный международной ассоциацией барменов (IBA)

Gin 50 ml

Orange juice 30 ml

Absinthe a bit

Grenadine a bit

Pour gin, orange juice, a couple drops of grenadine and absinthe into a shaker.

Shake it with ice and strain into a chilled serving glass.

The 'Monkey Gland' was created in the 1920s in France by Harry Mac Elhone, owner of Harry's New York Bar. Despite the rather intimidating name, the 'Monkey Gland' cocktail has no link to monkeys. Its creation just coincided with the hype around the medical experiments of scientist Sergei Voronov, who became famous for transplanting monkey glands to humans in the hope of achieving a rejuvenating effect.


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